Clean room design must implement international standards, achieve advanced technology, economic rationality, safety and applicability, ensure quality, and meet the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection. When using existing buildings for clean technology renovation, clean room design must be based on production process requirements, tailored to local conditions and treated differently, and fully utilize existing technical facilities. Clean room design should create necessary conditions for construction, installation, maintenance management, testing and safe operation.

The determination of the air cleanliness level of each clean room should meet the following requirements:
- When there are multiple processes in clean room, different air cleanliness levels should be adopted according to the different requirement of each process.
- On the premise of meeting the requirements of production process, the air distribution and cleanliness level of the clean room should adopt a combination of local working area air purification and whole room air purification.
(1). Laminar flow clean room, turbulent flow clean room, and clean room with different operating shifts and usage times should have separated purified air conditioning systems.
(2). The calculated temperature and relative humidity in clean room should comply with the following regulations:
①Meet with production process requirements;
②When there are no temperature or humidity requirements for the production process, the clean room temperature is 20-26℃ and relative humidity is 70%.
- A certain amount of fresh air should be ensured into clean room, and its value should be taken as the maximum of the following air volumes;
(1). 10% to 30% of the total air supply in a turbulent flow clean room, and 2-4% of the total air supply in a laminar flow clean room.
(2). The amount of fresh air is required to compensate for indoor exhaust air and maintain indoor positive pressure value.
(3). Ensure indoor fresh air volume per person per hour is not less than 40 cubic meters.
- Clean room positive pressure control
Clean room must maintain certain positive pressure. The static pressure difference between clean rooms of different levels and between clean area and non clean area should not be less than 5Pa, and the static pressure difference between clean area and outdoor should not be less than 10Pa.

Post time: May-22-2023