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ISO Class 100-100000 Turnkey Solutions Electronic Clean Room

Short Description:

Electronic clean room usually use air supply system and FFU system through various filtration and purification on respective position to make sure each area can achieve specific air cleanliness and keep indoor constant temperature and relative humidity in enclosed environment. The cleanliness level of electronic clean room have very direct influence on electronic product quality. As a professional cleanroom manufacturer and supplier, we will provide turnkey service to achieve your demands and requirements!

Product Detail

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Product Description

Electronic clean room is currently an indispensable and important facility in semiconductor, precision manufacturing, liquid crystal manufacturing, optical manufacturing, circuit board manufacturing and other industries. Through in-depth research on the production environment of LCD electronic clean room and accumulation of engineering experience, we clearly understand the key to environmental control in LCD production process. Some electronic clean room at the end of the process are installed and their cleanliness level is generally ISO 6, ISO 7 or ISO 8. The installation of electronic clean room for backlight screen is mainly for stamping workshops, assembly and other electronic clean room for such products and their cleanliness level is generally ISO 8 or ISO 9. In recent years, due to the innovation and development of technology, the demand for high precision and miniaturization of products has become more urgent. Electronic clean room generally include clean production areas, clean auxiliary rooms (including personnel clean rooms, material clean rooms and some living rooms, etc.), air shower, management areas (including office, duty, management and rest, etc.) and equipment area (including cleanroom AHU rooms, electrical rooms, high-purity water and high-purity gas rooms, and heating and cooling equipment rooms). 

Technical Data Sheet

Air Cleanliness

Class 100-Class 100000

Temperature and Relative Humidity

With production process requirement for clean room Indoor temperature is based on specific production process; RH30%~50% in winter, RH40~70% in summer.
Without process requirement for clean room Temperature: ≤22℃ in winter, ≤24℃ in summer; RH:/
Personal purification and biological clean room Temperature: ≤18℃ in winter, ≤28℃ in summer; RH:/

Air Change/Air Velocity

Class 100 0.2~0.45m/s
Class 1000 50~60 times/h
Class 10000 15~25 times/h
Class 100000 10~15 times/h

Differential Pressure

Adjacent clean rooms with different air cleanliness ≥5Pa
Clean room and non-clean room >5Pa
Clean room and outdoor environment 10Pa

Lighting Intense

Main clean room 300~500Lux
Auxiliary room, air lock room, corridor, etc 200~300Lux

Noise(Empty Status)

Unidirectional clean room 65dB(A)
Non-unidirectional clean room 60dB(A)

Static Electricity

Surface resistance: 2.0*10^4~1.0*10^9Ω Leakage resistance: 1.0*10^5~1.0*10^8Ω

Turnkey Solutions

clean room planning


clean room design




rockwool sandwich panel


clean room construction


clean room testing


clean room validation


clean room training


modular clean room

After-sale Service


clean room
electronic clean room
clean room
electronic clean room


Q: What cleanliness is required for electronic clean room?

A: It's ranged from class 100 to class 100000 based on the user's requirement.

Q: What content is included in your electronic clean room?

A: It is mainly made up with clean room structure system, HVAC system, eletrical system and control system, etc.

Q: How long will the electronic clean room project take?

A: It can be finished within one year.

Q: Can you do overseas clean room installlation and commissioning?

A: Yes, we can arrange.

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